materi nama benda dalam bahasa inggris (things around us)


Hello everyone. How are you today? In this article we will discuss things around us, or the Indonesian is “benda yang ada di sekitar kita”. We divide the vocabulary about things around us into several sections to make it easier for you to learn. The first section is about things in school.

1. The first part Things at the Classroom.

Air-Conditioner = Pendingin Ruangan
Ball = Bola
Bell = Bel
Blackboard = Papan Tulis Hitam
Bookshelf = Rak Buku
Chair = Kursi
Computer = Komputer
Cupboard = Lemari
Desk = Meja
Eraser = Penghapus
Fan = Kipas Angin
Globe = Globe
Map = Peta
Noticeboard = Mading
Screen = Layar Untuk Proyektor
Whiteboard = Papan Tulis Putih

Example in a sentence
a) The homework is on the “blackboard”.
b) Candra put the text book on the “bookshelf”

materi nama benda dalam bahasa inggris (things around us)

2. Rooms in The School
Canteen = Kantin
Classroom = Ruangan Kelas
Laboratory = Laboratorium
Library = Perpustakaan
Office = Ruang Kepala Sekolah
School Yard = Lapangan Sekolah
Teachers Room = Ruang Guru
Toilet = Toilet

Example in a sentence
a) Indra bought some foods in the “canteen”
b) The “school yard” is full of students.

3. Next part is things in The Bag.
Binder = Binder
Book = Buku
Color Pencil = Pensil Warna
Compass = Jangka
Correction Pen = Tipe-X
Cutter = Pisau Kecil
Drawing Book = Buku Gambar
Eraser = Penghapus
Lesson Book = Buku Pelajaran
Marker = Spidol
Pen = Pulpen
Pencil = Pensil
Pencil Case = Tempat Pensil
Pencil Sharpener = Rautan Pensil
Ruler = Penggaris
Scissor = Gunting
Stapler = Hekter

Example in a sentence
a) Rara put her pen in her pencil case.
b) The teacher ask the students to bring their drawing book next week.

After that, we move to the other place. Home. The first part in the place is, the living room
Carpet = Karpet
Clock = Jam
Door = Pintu
Frame = Bingkai foto
Newspaper = Koran
Picture = Foto
Sofa = Sofa
Table lamp = Lampu meja
Television = Televisi
Vase = Vas bunga
Example in a sentence
a) We have to clean the carpet right now.
b) There are some picture of his parents in the living room

4. The next place is bedroom
Bed = Kasur
Bed sheet = Sprei
Blanket = Selimut
Bolster = Bantal guling
Chair = kursi
Cupboard = Lemari
Hanger = Gantungan baju
Pillow = Bantal
Praying mat = Sajadah
Table = meja
5. The next part is things in the kitchen
Broom = Sapu
Frying pan = wajan penggorengan
Knife = Pisau
Oven = Oven
Refrigerator = Kulkas
Rice cooker = Penanak nasi
Sink = Tempat cuci piring
Stove = Kompor
Teapot = Teko
Trash can = Tempat sampah

baca juga : materi penyebutan tanggal dalam bahasa inggris

6. Last, but not the least is things in the bathroom.
Bathtub = Bak mandi
Closet = Kloset
Hair dryer = Pengering rambut
Pail = Ember
Shampoo = Sampo
Shaver = Pencukur
Shower = Penyiram
Soap = Sabun
Tooth paste = Pasta gigi
Toothbrush = Sikat gigi
Towel = Handuk

I think that's all for the discussion this time. hopefully can be useful for all readers.

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