materi nama hari bahasa inggris

Days of the Week

Hello readers. This time the author wants to share about English learning materials for junior high school related to "day". In the Basic Competencies 3.3 and 4.3, the 2013 curriculum (K13) for junior high school material stated that one of the competencies that must be mastered by learners or students, is that students can identify oral and written texts about requesting and providing information related to the days of the week (verbally).

materi nama hari bahasa inggris

Based on the Oxford dictionary, “Day (read: /deɪ/) is  each of the twenty-four-hour periods, reckoned from one midnight to the next, into which a week, month, or year is divided, and corresponding to a rotation of the earth on its axis.”
Everyone knows that there are seven "days of the week".  However, do you realize that there are just five "weekdays"? Furthermore, obviously the "weekend" has 2 days.  Do you know? The first letter of each day must be written in a capital letter. It is because the days of the week originate from the Names of mythical figures. They are:
•Monday (Senin) : it is associated with the Moon
•Tuesday (Selasa)         : it comes from the god Tiw, associated with Mars
•Wednesday (Rabu) : it comes from Germanic god Odin
•Thursday (Kamis)         : it comes from Germanic god of thunder Thor
•Friday (Jumat) : it comes from Germanic goddess Frigga associated with Venus
•Saturday (Sabtu)         : it is associated with Saturn
•Sunday (Minggu)         : it is associated with the Sun

Weekdays in Indonesian means “hari kerja”. They are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. However, Saturday and Sunday are Weekends in Indonesian means “akhir pekan"
Then below are the ways to pronounce them.

Monday         /ˈmʌndeɪ/
Tuesday         /'ˈtuːzdeɪ/
Wednesday /ˈwenzdeɪ/
Thursday  /ˈθɜːrzdeɪ/
Friday /ˈfraɪdeɪ/
Saturday   /ˈsætərdeɪ/
Sunday /ˈsʌndeɪ/

In the written form, the days of the week are usually written in the abbreviation form. Below are the example:
Monday         : Mo., Mon.
Tuesday         : Tu., Tue., Tues.
Wednesday : We., Wed.
Thursday   : Th., Thu., Thur., Thurs.
Friday : Fr., Fri.
Saturday         : Sa., Sat.
Sunday : Su., Sun.

You can see the dialogues below for the speaking (oral) practice
John : Hi Maria. Where are you going?
Maria : Hello John. I am going to go to my office.
John : What days do you work?
Maria : I work on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I don't work on Wednesday.
John : Wow, that is a nice schedule.
Maria : Yeah, but I sometimes work on Saturday. What about you?
John : I work from Monday to Friday.
Maria : Nice, you have weekends off.
John : Of course. I never work on Saturday or Sunday.

Renata : Hi Roger. When do you play tennis?
Roger : I play on Tuesday and Friday nights.
Renata : It is nice. I only play on the weekends.
Roger : Really, can I play with you?
Renata : Of course you can. Then we play on Saturday and Sunday at the tennis court at ten.
Roger : Good idea! See you on the weekend.
Renata : See you.

Okay. That’s all, a little bit information about “The Days of the Week” in English. Hope it will be a new thing for you to learn.

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