materi nama bulan bahasa inggris

Hello readers. How are you? In the previous article we discussed das of the week. In this article, the author wants to discuss about “Months of the Year”. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 8th edition ”Month”  /read: m?n?/ is any of the twelve periods of time into which the year is divided or a period of about 30 days. In Indonesia “month” means “bulan”.

materi nama bulan bahasa inggris

Below are the months of the year and their pronunciation.

January         /ˈdʒænjueri/
February         /ˈfebrueri/
March /mɑːrtʃ/
April /ˈeɪprəl/
May         /meɪ/
June        /dʒuːn/
July        /dʒuˈlaɪ/
August /ɔːˈɡʌst/
September /sepˈtembər/
October         /ɑːkˈtoʊbər/
November /noʊˈvembər/
December /dɪˈsembər/

There are some things that you should know about the months of the year.
Do you know that some of the months of the year’s name came from the name of Gods?

January derived from the word Janus. Janus is a God from Roman myth. Janus has two faces that he can see forward and backward. According to Roman belief, Janus was the beginning and final god who could see the future and the past.

The word February comes from the word Februus. For Romans, Februus is the God of Purification. For the Etrussians, Februus was the God of Purification, the God of Wealth, and the God of Death. Every February 15, the Romans always hold a ritual of purification or a ritual of forgiveness of sins.

March comes from the word Mars. He is the God of War in Roman mythology. When compared with Greek mythology, the position of Mars is the same as Ares. They are both gods of war. Mars is the son of Juno and Jupiter. They both were the supreme god and goddesses in Roman mythology.

The word April comes from the word aperire which means open. Open here refers to flowers that bloom or harvest season. April is an important month for farmers. However, there are also those who say that the word April comes from the word Aphrodite, the name of the Goddess Venus in Greek mythology.

May comes from the word Maia. Maia is one of the goddesses in Roman mythology. Every first day in May, Romans usually performs rituals to Maia, the Goddess of the Earth.

The word June comes from Juno. Juno is the wife of the God of Jupiter in Roman mythology. Juno is the highest goddess in Roman mythology. No wonder that Juno is often nicknamed the head of the Roman Goddesses. In the Greek mythology, the position of Goddess Juno is the same as the position of Goddess Hera (wife of God Zeus).

At first the Roman calendar began in March, not January. So, July is the 5th month. In the past, the name of the fifth month was Quintilis. However, because Julius Caesar was born in the month of Quintilis and he had a major influence on Roman rule, the name of the fifth month on the Roman calendar was changed to July, not Quintilis anymore.

In the past, the name of the 6th month in the Roman calendar was Sextilis. However, the name was changed to Augustus. The word august is taken from the name of the first Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar.

September comes from the word septem. That is Latin for number seven. In the Roman calendar, September is the 7th month, not the 9th

October comes from the word octet. That is Latin for number eight. In the Roman calendar, October is the 8th month, not the 10th.

November comes from the word novem. That is Latin for number nine. In the Roman calendar, November is the 9th month, not the 11th.

December comes from the word decem. That is Latin for the number ten. In the Roman calendar, December is the 10th month, not the 12th.

The months of the year are divided into three based on the number of the days:
31 days. They are January, March, May, July, August, October, and December.
30 days. They are April, June, September, dan November.
28 days. It is February.

Read the following example of sentences using name of the months:
They got married in December.
Math competition will be held in July.
The worst car accident happened in March.
I was born in November.
Why don’t we go to Melbourne this January?

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