materi numbers bahasa Inggris

It is important to learn about numbers in English. Moreover, it must be mastered. Numbers are
often used in English to express the number of objects or people, serials, codes, hours, sequences, years and so on. Mastery of the concept of numbers in English will be very helpful for learning other aspects of English.

Number in English is divided into 2 types. They are Cardinal number (ordinary number / stated quantity), Ordinal Number (sequence number / level).

materi numbers bahasa Inggris

1. Cardinal Number

Read the following example
1 : One                                        27 : Twenty Seven
2 : Two                                       29 : Twenty nine
3 : Three                                     30 : Thirty
4 : Four                                      35 : Thirty five
5 : Five                                      40 : Forty
6 : Six                                        46 : Forty six
7 : Seven                                   50 : Fifty
8 : Eight                                    60 : Sixty
9 : Nine                                     70 : Seventy
10: Ten                                      80 : Eighty
11: Eleven                                 90 : Ninety
12: Twelve                               100 : One hundred
13: Thirteen                             103 : One hundred and three
14: Fourteen                             189 : One hundred and eighty nine
15: Fifteen                                200 : Two hundred
16: Sixteen                               300 : Three hundred
17: Seventeen                           900 : Nine hundred

18: Eighteen                            1000 : One thousand
19: Nineteen                             1500 : One thousand five hundred
20 : Twenty                               1777 : One thousand seven hundred andseventy seven

21  : Twenty one                      10.000 : Ten thousand

22 : Twenty two                      100.000 : One hundred thousand

23 : Twnty three                      1.000.000 : One million

24 : Twenty four             One billion


Hundred : ratus
Thousand: ribu
Million: Juta
Billion : Miliar

Thousands and hundreds are read without "and", while hundreds combined with tens or units added with "and", thousands combined with units also added with "and".

1.600 : One thousand six hundred
4.550 : Four thousand five hundred and fifty
7.003 : Seven thousand and three

  • To state the room number, our cellphone number can also use a cardinal number

08771888999: Zero eight seven seven one eight eight eight nine nine nine.
809: Eight ou nine

  • To state years the rules are

For years under 2000 there are separate rules, the year reads each 2 digit
1993 : Nineteen ninety three
1992 : Nineteen ninety two
1974 : Nineteen seventy four
1909 : Nineteen o/zero nine
1876 : Eighteen seventy six

  • Mathematic Symbols are stated:

+ : Plus
- : Minus
/ : Divided by
x : Times/multiplied by

2. Ordinal Number

1 st : First                       16 th: Sixteenth

2 nd : Second                 17 th: Seventeenth

3 rd : Third                     18 th: Eighteenth

4 th : Fourth                   19 th: Nineteenth

5 th : Fifth                      20 th: Twentieth

6 th : Sixth                      21 st: Twenty first

7 th : Seventh                  22 nd: Twenty second

8 th : Eighth                    23 rd: Twenty third

9 th : Ninth                      24 th: Twenty fourth

10 th : Tenth                    25 th: Twenty fifth

11 th : Eleventh               26 th: Twenty sixth

12 th : Twelfth                 27 th : Twenty seventh

13 th : Thirteenth              28 th: Twenty eighth

14 th : Fourteenth              29 th: Twenty ninth

15 th : Fifteenth                  30th: Thirtieth

31 st: Thirty first

Ordinal numbers are usually used to state the date, order, position of the floor in a building,

She was born on November twenty second, nineteenth ninety eight.
His office is on the Seventh floor.
Cindy is the second child in her family.
Simon got the first place of the Science competition.

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