materi possesive pronoun

In learning English, there are many aspects to learn. One of them is pronouns. Pronoun in English is a word to replace or represent which is used to replace noun, so it will avoid any repetition of words which makes a sentence not efficient. There are some kind of pronouns. They are personal pronoun, reflexive pronoun, possessive pronoun, and interrogative pronoun.

In the past article we have discussed about pronoun, especially personal pronouns (I, you, they, we, he, she and it). Now we are going to give you a little bit discussion about “possessive pronouns.This type of pronoun is used to indicate the presence of a possession or ownership of something.

materi possessive pronoun

In Indonesian you might not have any difficulty in determining possessive pronouns because Indonesian only adds the words "belonging" or "have". In an English sentence, possessive pronoun can be a subject, subject complement, or direct object. There are two types of possessive, namely possessive pronoun and possessive adjective, these two types of possessive pronoun are often thought to be the same type of pronoun, even though both are still have differences.

Person    Number      Possessive Pronoun         Number               Possessive Adjective

1st           singular                   mine                       singular                             my

2nd                                        yours                                                                your

3rd                                       hers, his                                                         her, his, its

1st            plural                    ours                                                                  our

2nd                                       yours                                                                your

3rd                                       theirs                                                                 their

1) Possessive Pronoun

The function of the possessive pronoun is as an ownership pronoun with the role as a noun. Read the following example.

These first are the possessive pronoun and their example.

Mine                                     : This toy is mine (mainan ini milikku)
Yours (singular)                   : This T-Shirt is yours now (kaos ini milikmu sekarang)
Yours (plural)                       : Those toys are yours (mainan-mainan itu adalah mainan-mainanmu)
Hers (milik dia perempuan) : That expensive makeup tools are hers (alat makeup mahal itu miliknya)
His (milik dia laki-laki)       : The house in that corner is his (rumahdi pojok itu miliknya)
Ours                                     : These sophisticated smartphones are ours (telepon pintar ini adalah milik kami)
Theirs                                   : These balls are theirs (Bola-bola ini adalah milik mereka)

2) Possessive Adjective

The function of possessive adjective is as a possessive pronoun with the role as an adjective
describing the noun. These adjectives are placed before nouns.These second are the possessive adjectives and their example.

My                                       : This is my bike (Ini adalah sepeda saya)
Your (singular)                    :Your laptop looks nice (laptopmu terlihat keren)
Your (plural)                        : Your friends are so beautifull (teman-temanmu sangat cantik)
Her (milik dia perempuan)  : Her smatphone is expensive (telepon pintarnya mahal)
His (milik dia laki-laki)       : His house is in that corner (ruangan dia berada di ujung)
Our                                       : Our mother is a nice woman (ayah kamu adalah orang yang baik)
Their                                     : Their face looks like a k-pop idol (Wajah mereka terlihat seperti idol k-pop)
Its                                          : The cat likes its food (kucing itu menyukai makanannya)

Beside the two types of pronoun above, possessive nouns can also be formed with adding an
apostrophe (‘) and S, for example:

John’s phone
Liam’s car
Brother’s bike

That’s all a little bit explanation about possessive pronoun and possessive adjective.

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