materi prepositions bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP


In the previous article about self-introduction, we would mention our address in the introduction. Today we will learn about some prepositions we often use in learning English. They are in, on, at.


•In states the position of the place related to the name of a particular village, city or region (without street names or numbers). Examples:
I live in Banyumanik
I live in Semarang

•In states unspecific times during a day, month, season, or year. Examples
My father always reads newspaper in the morning
The new semester of the school will start in March.

•In states a shape a shape, color, or size, for example:
Those buildings are mostly painted in blue.
The participants stood in a circle.

•In indicates opinion, beliefs, interest, or feeling, for example:
They are not interested in playing online games.
My mother believes in the next life.

•In used to express while doing something:

We revised the grammar five times in preparing for the final project.

materi prepositions bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP


•On states an address without number. Example:
My address is on Jalan Pandan.
I live on Jalan Cendrawasih.

•On is used to express a surface of something. Example:
The laptop is on my desk.
I put the rice on the kitchen table.

•Indicates a part of the body. Example:
The ball hit him on his face.
She wears a ring on her finger.

•It is used to specify dates and days. Example:
The supply car comes on Wednesdays.
I was born on the 13th day of November 1999.

•Used to state a device or machine, such as a phone or computer:
My favourite show will be on TV today.
He has been on the computer since this afternoon.

•Used to indicate the state of something:
The forest is on fire.
Every item in this supermarket is on sale.

baca juga : materi pronouns


•Used to state an address with numbers. Example:
Aldo lives at 45 Jalan Nusantara, Blora.
Ria Lives at 16 Pinang Street.

•Used to mention specific time. Example:
The lecturer will meet me at 14 p.m.
The train will stop here at 6:15 p.m.

•Used to state a place. Example:
There is a birthday party at the cafe.
There are so many people at the park.

•Used to show an email address. Example:
Please email me at

•Used to indicate an activity:
They cried at my acting.
He is good at drawing a scenery.

Then, below is an example of the use of in, on, at in an introduction:

•Hello. My name is Shidqia Lubis. I am from Semarang, Central Java. I live in Semarang, on Jalan Menoreh. My house is precisely at 6 Jalan Menoreh Utara.

•Good afternoon, I am Zulfiandi. I come from Pekalongan, Central Java. I live in Sampangan, on Jalan Gotong Royong. If you want to visit me, you can come at 16 Jalan Gotong Royong Raya.

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