Materi pronouns bahasa Inggris kelas 7

In the previous discussion, we have learnt how to introduce ourselves. Now, we will discuss a topic, related to the last topic. Pronouns. Do you know about pronouns? in introducing family members, you may use these pronouns, for examples:

1.There are five people in my family: my father or my dad, my mother or my mom, my elder brother, my little sister, and myself. My father is Mr. Rajali. He’s a teacher. My mother is Mrs. Kurnia. She’s a nurse. My big brother is Hasan. He is a student of SMA Perjuangan. My little sister is Rizkia. She’s is still in kindergarten or kindy.

2.There are five people in my family: my father or my dad, my mother or my mom, my younger sister, my little brother and myself. My father is Mr. Henry. He’s a farmer. My mother is Mrs. Yulia. She’s a housewife. My younger sister is Elsa. She is a student of SD Bunga Menur. My little brother, Erick, does not go to kindy yet. He’s in playgroup.
Materi pronouns bahasa Inggris kelas 7

Based on the example above, you can find a language feature, called pronouns or subjects for example, he, and she. The pronouns or subjects, are important to learn, because it is a part of basic grammatical feature. Each of the pronouns have their pair. They are is, am, and are.

1.I + am = I am (I'm)

“I am” in Indonesian means saya. It refers to ourselves, the writer or the speaker.

2.You + are = You are (You're)

”You are” in Indonesian means kamu. It is used to refer the person in front of you, or the person you are talking with.

3.They + are = They are (They're)

“They are in Indonesian means mereka. It is used to refer a group of persons, animals or things in a place.

4.We + are = We are (We're)

“We are” in Indonesian means kami. It is used to refer a group of people including the speaker or the writer.

5.He + is = He is (He's)

“He is” in Indonesian means dia laki-laki. It is used to refer a man (boy).

6.She + is = She is (She's)

“She is” in Indonesian means dia perempuan. It is used to refer a woman (girl).

7.It + is = It is (It's)

“It is” in Indonesian means ini/itu. It is used to refer matters, things, or animals.

baca juga :materi introduction bahasa Inggris

You can read more examples below

-I am a writer (saya adalah seorang penulis)
-I am a doctor (saya adalah seorang dokter)
-You are handsome (kamu tampan)
-You are beautiful (kamu cantik)
-They are my family (mereka adalah keluargaku)
-They are football players (mereka adalah para pemain bola)
-We are from USA (kami berasal dari Amerika Serikat)
-We are labors (kami adalah buruh)
-He is my father (dia adalah ayahku)
-He is an athlete (dia adalah seorang atlit)
-She is my sister (dia adalah saudara perempuanku)
-She is my classmate (dia adalah teman sekelasku)
-It is my book (itu adalah bukuku)
-It is my pet (itu adalah peliharaanku)

That’s all about the use of pronouns. Hopefully it will be useful for those who are learning the basics of English. Thanks for reading and see you on the next post!

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