materi introduce yourself bahasa Inggris

How to Introduce Yourself

Sometimes we have to introduce ourselves to others in an occasion for example in the first meeting in a class, in a forum, or even just introduce ourselves to people we have just met. It might be a problem for us to introduce ourselves in English instead of Indonesian. It is actually not that hard to introduce ourselves. However, we should learn how to express it in English.

What should we do to introduction?

You can consider these tips before you do the introduction.

1.Don’t be nervous. Introducing yourself is not a nightmare. You have to calm down and be confident.
2.Be polite and mind your gesture.
materi introduce yourself bahasa Inggris

Steps to Introduce Yourself


The first thing you should say is greeting. It is to wipe your anxiety out. You may use hi everybody…, hi everyone…, good afternoon, etc.

2.Say your intention.

Your aim is to introduce yourself. You just need to say for example “Let me introduce myself”, “I would like to introduce myself”, “Allow me to introduce myself”, “I’m here to introduce myself”, etc.

3.Start your introduction.

You can mention your name, nickname, address, and so on. Read the example below
Good morning. Hello, my name is ………………
You can call me……………………………………………
I am a student of …………………………………………
I live in ………………………………………………………..
I like / my hobby is / hobbies are…………………
My favourite colour(s) is/are ………………………
My favourite food ………………………………………

4.Say a closing sentence.

You can use “It is a pleasure to meet you”, “Nice to meet you”, “Thank you for your attention”, “Thank you very much”, and so on.

baca juga : materi expression thanking and apology

Below are some short examples of self-introduction

•Hi. My name is Tito Pesolima. I am from Seram Island. I live in Kampung Medan RT 4, RW 7, on jalan Teratai. Precisely, I live at 23 Jalan Teratai.

•Hello. My name is Haira. I am from Central Kalimantan. I live in Palangkaraya, in Kecamatan Rangutan, RT 3, RW 4, on Jalan Belimbing. To be precise, I live at 25 Jalan Belimbing.

•Good morning. My name is Max Bae. I’m from East Nusa Tenggara. I live in Kupang, in Kecamatan Angkasa, on Jalan Denpasar. Precisely, I live at 5 Jalan Denpasar.

•Hello, my name is Hasnida. I am from West Sumatra. I live in Padang in Kampung Mutiara, on Jalan Kemangi. To be precise, I live at 23 Jalan Kemangi.

•Hi. My name is Azwar. I’m from South Sulawesi. I live in Makassar, in Kampung Angin Mamiri, RT 4 , RW5. I live on Jalan Buntu. To be precise, I live at 34 Jalan Buntu, Makassar.

You can also add your hobbies, favourite things, and end your introduction with an ending, for example

•Hi. I’m Annisa. I’m a student of SMP Teladan Bangsa, Bulungan. I live in Bulungan, North Kalimantan. My hobbies are cooking and running. My favourite colors are yellow and blue. My favourite snack is fried banana. Nice to see you.

•Hello, my name is Johannes. I am a student of SMP N 2 Biak. I live in Biak, Papua. I like swimming and reading books. My favorite color is green. My favorite food is fried rice. Nice to meet you.

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