Expression of Thanking/Gratitude and Expression of Apology

1. Expression of Thanking or Gratitude

Expression of Thanking or Gratitude is one of important expressions to learn, because it shows appreciation to others who have done something for us or helped us. We might have already known the expression of thanking in English. However, maybe there are some expressions that you don’t ever hear or know. You’d better learn and use these expressions in order that your utterances are not monotonous. Below are some examples of a dialogue using expression of thanking.

-Mother : Dina, I need some sugar for the cake but I’m too busy to go to market. Can you help me to buy it?
Dina : Of course, Mom.
Mother : Thank you.
Dina : My pleasure, Mom.

-Mother : I bought sneakers for you.
Dani : Wow, great. Thanks, Mum.
Mother : You’re welcome.

-Dian’s sister : Happy birthday, Dian. This is for you.
Dian : Oh, thank you. I’ve wanted this bag for years. You’re so nice.
Dian’s sister : That’s alright.
Expression of Thanking/Gratitude and Expression of Apology

From the dialogues above you know that:

a. We can use these expressions to express gratitude.

•Thank you
•Thank you very much
•I’m so grateful for….
•Thank you very much for…
•Thank you for…
•That was nice of you. Thank you.
•Thanks a lot for….
•I really appreciate…
•Thanks a million
•Thanks a lot
•Thanks a bunch
•Many thanks
•It means a lot to me
•I can’t repay you for what you have done
•I just can’t thank you enough
•You have been very helpful

b.We use these expressions to respond to gratitude.

•That’s alright.
•My pleasure.
•You are welcome.
•No problem.
•Don’t mention it.

baca juga : expression of greeting and leave taking

2.Expression of Apology

Expression of Apology is an expression used to offer an apology or excuse for some mistakes, insults, failures or injuries or can be used as a defense in a formal speech or writing. Furthermore, it can be used to sorry for mistakes that make someone does not feel comfortable or unhappy. There are some dialogue examples expressing sorry or apology

-Student: I’m sorry, Ma’am. I broke the beaker.
Teacher : That’s alright. Next time be careful.
Student : I will, Ma’am. I promise.

-Andi : I’m sorry, Sir. I’m late to class.
Teacher : It’s OK this time. Please be on time in the future.
Student : Yes, I will, Sir.

Actually, there are two ways to express apology, formal and informal way. Furthermore, below are some expressions of sorry in informal situation.

•I do apologize for…
•I must apologize for…
•I apologize for…
•I’d like to apologize for…
•I’m sorry
•I am so sorry for…
•I shouldn’t have…
•I’m very sorry for / that …
•I apologize for (+ ing form of verb)
•It’s all my fault, and so on.
or we can use these expressions in formal situation.
•Pardon (me)
•I’m (so / very / terribly) sorry.
•Ever so sorry.
•How careless / thoughtless of me.
•Sorry. It was all my fault.
•Please excuse my (ignorance)
•Please don’t be mad at me.
•Please accept our (sincerest) apologies, and so on

For your information, unlike apology, sorry is a very general apology, simple and in many situations, we can use it wherever and whenever, but sorry is a type of apology that is not strong enough or less serious, otherwise we might use apology.

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