contoh expression of greeting and leave taking

Expression of greeting and leave taking is one of the most important expressions to socialize in the society. In the other word, it is one of our culture to cordially greet other people. In learning English, expression of greeting and leave taking are several part of the first lessons to learn. These lessons are given in the basic level of education for example first grade of elementary school, junior high school, and also senior high school. It becomes the opening lesson materials. It is given to the students before they have other lessons. The writer would like to share about these expression. Here we go.

  1. Expression of Greeting

There are two types of expression of greeting. They are formal and informal. The first, formal expression of greeting, is used in a formal condition or the greeter is not familiar and get acquainted with the interlocutor. Furthermore, it is also used to greet someone we respect, for example to greet the teachers. On the other hand, informal greeting is used to greet someone we already know or get acquainted each other, for example close friends and classmates.  Below are some expressions of greeting.

Formal Greetings
Good morning
Good day/noon
Good afternoon
Good evening

Good morning
Good day/noon
Good afternoon
Good evening

Informal Greetings


There is another way to express greetings that is by asking the condition of someone or the interlocutor. The expressions are below.
contoh expression of greeting and leave taking

Asking / Questions
How are you?
How do you do?
How is life?
How is everything with you?
How are you doing?

I’m fine
How do you do?
Not bad, thanks
Pretty well. Thanks
I am very well thanks

Here are some examples:

• + Good morning Dad.
  - Good morning. How are you?
• + Good morning, Siti. How are you?
  - Good Good morning, Mom. I’m fine. Thanks.

2.  Expression of Leave Taking

If we part with someone we know, we usually use leave taking. Hence, this expression also can be called as “expression of parting”. It is similar with greeting expressions. The expression of leave taking is also divided into formal and informal expression. Here are the expressions:

Formal Leave Takings
Good night
Nice to see you
It’s nice to meet you
Good bye

Good night
Nice to see you, too
Nice to meet you, too
Good bye

Informal Leave Takings
See you later
See you tomorrow
Good luck
Take care

See you
See you
Thank you
You too

Below are some example:
• + Goodbye, Mom.
  - Bye, Edo. Take care. See you later.
• + Good night, Mom.
  - Good night, Dear.

Good morning is used at 00.00 midnight to 12.00 noon.
Good day/noon is used at 12.00.
Good afternoon is used from 12.00 to 18.00.
Good Evening is used from 18.00 to 24.00(00.00).
Good night used before sleep or to say goodbye.
P.M. (Post Meridiem) = 12.00 noon-24.00 night.
A.M. (Ante Meridiem) = 24.00/00.00 night-12.00 noon
Indonesian uses 24hour-system, while British/American uses 12hour-system by adding A.M. and P.M. to differentiate between daytime and night. 

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