penggunaan have dan has dalam bahasa inggris


Have and has are one of the most commonly used verbs in daily English conversation. Have/has can be the main verb (as in "I have a dream" sentence). Moreover, they can also be helping verbs or auxiliaries, especially in the present perfect tense sentence.

a.The Definition or Meaning Of Have and Has

The meaning of have and has, based on their use or function. Basically, there are 2 have and has functions:
First, have/has as the main verb. Example:
I have a new smartphone. (Saya punya telepon pintar baru)
She has a big house. (Ia mempunyai rumah yang besar)

Second, have/has as the auxiliary verb. Example:
I have bought a new car. (Saya sudah membeli mobil baru)
She has got a husband. (Ia sudah punya seorang suami)

Can you see the differences between the first and the second part above?

penggunaan have dan has dalam bahasa inggris

The first function of the have/has is as the “main verb”. The use of have/has as the verb has several meanings in Indonesian. One of them is “mempunyai/memiliki”. They are usually used in simple present and simple future.

The second, have and has are used as the auxiliary verb. Its meaning in Indonesian is  “telah/sudah”. It is used in the present perfect tense and paired with the 3rd verb.

b.Choosing the Subject

After you know the meaning of have and has, let's find out how to use it in English sentences. This is the most important thing, how to choose the right subject. The subject can be inanimate objects or living objects. The amount can be one or more than one. The pronoun as Subject is called the Pronoun Subject. Below are subjects and their meaning in Indonesian

I Saya / Aku
You Kamu / Anda
They Mereka
We Kami / Kita
He Dia (laki-laki)
She Dia (perempuan)
It Ia / Itu (satu benda mati/hidup)

Then, when to use Subject for have and has? Seethe following list
I, you, they, we = HAVE
He, she, it = HAS

HAS is used on subjects consisting of one inanimate object or living thing. While the word HAVE is used for some creatures or inanimate objects. Then, for Subject I which means I / I always paired an auxiliary HAVE. Remember… HAS for Singular or for one object. HAVE for Plural or for some or many objects.

c.Have and Has as the Main Verb

As the main verb, Have and Has have the first, second and third forms, commonly called Verb1, Verb2 & Verb3. Verb 1 is often called the Infinitive. Verb 2 is called Past Tense. Verb 3 is known as the Past Participle.

>>Verb1 – Verb2 – Verb3
>>Have/Has – Had – Had

As the main verb, the second and third forms of have / has are “had”. The verbs have and has are used in simple present tense and simple future tense. While, had is used in the past tense and perfect tense sentences.
It was discussed earlier that the use of Have / Has as the main verb has a lot of meanings. We will discuss some of the most commonly used everyday.

You have beautiful eyes. (Kamu punya mata yang indah)
She has a lot of children. (Ia memiliki banyak anak)

We had our room cleaned yesterday evening. (Kami meminta orang membersihkan kamar kami kemarin malam)
My father has his car washed twice a month. (Mobil ayahku dicuci 2x dalam sebulan)

He had some bread before sleeping. (Dia telah makan roti sebelum tidur)
They have a delicious meal every Sunday. (Mereka makan makanan lezat setiap hari Minggu)

I am going to have a shower. (Aku ingin mandi)
She has a party once a month. (Ia mengadakan pesta sebulan sekali)

Have a nice day (Semoga harimu menyenangkan)
Have a great trip (Semoga perjalananmu menyenangkan)
and so on.

d.The Use of Have and Has as Helping Verb (Auxiliary)

Earlier we already knew that Have / Has has several meanings. That is the function of Have / Has as Main Verb. As an Auxiliary, Have / Has is used in the Present Perfect Tense sentence. The word Have / Has that was placed after the Subject was used to express activities that “had been done” in the past, but still related to the present.

Then, sometimes we can shorten this word. Usually use in short messages, sms, or informal conversations. Example:

I’ve = I have
We’ve = We have
She = She has
He = He has

However, you should be careful in using apostrophe s (‘s) in the word He’s or She’s. It also can be “is”, but if it used Verb 3, then it stands for HAS. Because “Has” is followed by Verb3. See the example below.

They have lived here since 1990. (Mereka sudah tinggal di sini sejak 1990.)
She has started a new office. (Ia sudah memulai kantor baru)

baca juga : materi preposition of place

In order to understand the use of have and has, you need to see if there are other verbs in the sentence. If there is verb 3, it means that have and has act as auxiliary. If there is no other verb, it means that it is the main verb.

That’s all about have and has for today’s post. See you on the next post.

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