materi preposition of place bahasa inggris

Preposition of Place

After the previous post about vocabulary of public places, now the writer will complete the vocabulary material with preposition of place, position. We will explain the position and location of a public place. Berikut adalah daftar preposisi yang berkaitan dengan posisi/letak/lokasi daripada tempat tertentu.

Generally, we can group prepositions into three groups, namely Prepositions of Time, Prepositions of Place and Other Prepositions. In this article, what we will discuss is about prepositions of place and their examples.Preposition of place is one type of preposition that is very numerous and is also very familiar for people, because some of the vocabulary included are often used in daily activities.

Some of the most popular are: prepositions in, on and at. It can be said for these three words that we have memorized by heart about how to use them. Below are some examples of preposition of place.

materi preposition of place bahasa inggris

aboard : di atas (pesawat/kapal): on board a ship
above/over : (benda) di atas benda lain atau lebih tinggi darinya: above my head
against : menempel pada: against the wall
along : di sepanjang sesuatu yang panjang dan tipis: along the river
alongside   : di samping: alongside the fence
amid(st)     : di tengah-tengah atau dikelilingi oleh: amid olive groves
among : di tengah-tengah atau dikelilingi oleh: among the crowd
around : pada semua sisi sesuatu/seseorang: around the table, around his neck
at              : untuk menyatakan tempat atau posisi seseorang/sesuatu: at the crossroads, at the station, at the hotel, at home

away from : jauh dari: away from home
behind                 : di belakang : behind the bookstore
beside                  : di samping : beside Andy
below : pada tingkat/posisi yang lebih rendah: below paragraphs
beneath : di bawah, lebih rendah daripada: beneath the ground
between : di antara dua atau lebih tempat, objek, atau orang: between Rian and Bobby

by                      : di dekat; di samping: by the front door
in                       : di dalam kontainer, tempat, atau area: in the fridge, in my pocket, in Indonesia

inside : di dalam: inside the box
in front of : [tempat] di depan: in front of me
in the middle of : [tempat] di tengah: in the middle of the street
near                 : dekat dengan (seseorang/sesuatu): near the office
next to : di sebelah: next to me
on                    : menyentuh permukaan sesuatu: on the floor, on the table, on his arm
outside : dekat dengan bangunan atau ruangan tapi tidak di dalamnya: outside my house; jauh dari area, kota, negara tertentu: outside Indonesia

over                 : menutupi benda lain: over cakes
round                 :mengelilingi : round the house
under : di bawah sesuatu: under the table
underneath : letak benda yang berada pada posisi di bawah benda lain, khususnya menjadi tersembunyi atau tertutupi: underneath the car

There are some fish in the aquarium.
The lamp is above the chairs.
The bank is in front of the market.
I put the books on the table.
There is a cat behind the door.
Can you get me the ball under the chair?
The hospital is next to the hotel.
The cinema is between the museum and the shool.
Mr. Mustofa is among the ninth grade students.
The mosque is across from the supermarket.

baca juga : materi nama-nama tempat umum bahasa inggris

Example in dialogue:

Tourist : Excuse me, madam. Could you tell me where the police office is?
Mrs. Nita         : Just go straight this road. Then, turn left at the crossroad. The police office is beside the church.
Tourist            : Thank you, madam.
Mrs. Nita         : You’re welcome, sir.

That's all. Hope it is useful for the readers.

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